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The African Education Program (AEP) was founded in 2004 by four American high school students with a goal to serve their peers living in communities that were under-resourced and affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Zambia. The founders’ work started by collecting, sorting, and shipping a container of books, computers, school supplies and clothes to community leaders in the town of Kafue. In 2006, AEP worked with the same community leaders and youth from Kafue to open its flagship Learning & Leadership Center.


To-date, AEP has empowered thousands of children, youth, and women to take full advantage of their education, achieve economic independence and upward mobility, and give back to their communities to drive cycles of positive change.

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The Problem

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Almost half of Zambians live in extreme poverty and 66% of Zambia's population is under the age of 25. 59.4% of children live in poor households. With one of the highest child marriage rates in the world, 30% of girls will become pregnant before the age of 18.


The number of children passing 9th and 12th Grade exams are only 55.3% and 64.8% respectively. Only 5% and 2% of 15-year-old students meet minimum proficiency levels in reading and math respectively. Transition rates from primary to secondary school  remain low at 67.5% mainly due to the lack of schools to accommodate graduates. 

Special Education

Children with special needs in Zambia are incredibly marginalized. They face the greatest development challenges due to stigma and limited resources. They have little or no access to the critical care, facilities, and support that they need to thrive. Most of them will never access a school room during their lifetime.


Malnutrition continues to be an underlying cause of children’s deaths with little change over the last few decades; 35% of children are considered stunted. Zambia’s general population has an estimated HIV prevalence of 11.1%, with women carrying a higher burden at 14.2%. Health issues are worse in rural areas and among the poor.



Every week, over 750 children, youth, and women access highly impactful programs and resources at AEP’s flagship Learning & Leadership Center, named Amos Youth Centre, in Kafue, Zambia. Many of their program participants take advantage of resources and training at the Center three to five times per week over the course of 10+ years, with life-changing results.


Since the Center first opened its doors, AEP has partnered with local leaders and youth to develop, grow, and refine our Learning & Leadership Center model. Today, the Center is run almost entirely by alumni who returned to spearhead the Center’s programs after pursuing higher education. This is a true testament to the positive impact of their work, as well as the sustainable ripple effect of their programs, as these alumni become the leaders at the forefront of transforming their communities.

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Flagship Learning & Leadership Center

Inclusive Learning & Education 

Read for Rose Special Education Program, Young Learners Program, High School Tutoring Program, College Prep Program, College Scholarship Fund

Health & Wellbeing

Reproductive Health Access Initiative (includes HIV/AIDS awareness),  Menstrual Health Program, Mental Health & Counseling Program, Nutrition & Food Security Program (includes Daily Meals and Community Garden Project)

Leadership & Community Development

Entrepreneurship & Financial Literacy Program (includes Women’s Business Training, Youth Entrepreneurship Lessons, Young Learners Financial Literacy)

Leadership development, women’s empowerment and girls’ agency, mentoring, community service and gender equity are woven throughout all of the holistic programs.

What can we do


Support Mothers' Day Movement and African Education Program to build and grow community-led organizations for sustainable transformation.​


Provide one year of play-based learning for a child in the Young Learner Program with a focus on literacy, math, science, art and team building.  


Provide 500 meals to children so that they can dream big, reach their full potential, and become the change makers their communities deserve.


Provide accesses for one woman to the Women's Business Training program so she can learn how to start or grow a business and achieve financial stability.


Honor your mother by aiding another.

Donate this Mother's Day, and we'll send a card on your behalf.


We believe in the power of community. If you have questions, suggestions, or wish to join us in making a difference, please reach out. Your engagement is invaluable in driving Mothers' Day Movement forward.

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